Snake Fruit Surprise

by admin

I love the variety of fresh fruit available in Shanghai and elsewhere in Asia.

The quality and variety on offer certainly beats the selection at home in the US.  Bananas and apples are fine but there isn’t anything that can compare with seasonal fruits in Shanghai, especially at this time of year.  Lychees, rambutans and dragon eyes are always a big hit for young and old.  They are delightful to eat and chock full of nutrition.  Getting out and about to the wet markets and fruit markets is usually a part of what’s great about living in Shanghai.  My friends and ex-colleagues are amongst so many ‘Shanghailanders’ having a tough time of it in April and May this year but hopefully things will return to normal very soon.  Best wishes to all. 

Trying Something New

Snake fruit (image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

One of the guiding principles here at EWS is that eating a variety of food is more nutritious and more fun, so some years ago, in the interest of trying something new, EWS ordered some Indonesian snake fruit or salak.  The peel really does look like brown snake skin.  This could be used as a selling point to your adventurous brave kids!  I think this fruit would be really fun to show to children, especially those interested in reptiles and dinosaurs.  It has a prehistoric feel to it.  The fruit , or pod, is about the size and shape of a fresh fig.  It is a very firm fruit.  It can be peeled by pinching the pointy end and removing the skin. You can also just make a small cut and start peeling.  The fruit inside is the texture and color of peeled garlic. The mild citrus flavor  and firm flesh make it a nice addition to a fruit salad.  It can taste a little like a bitter pineapple.  The flavor is a bit bland to eat by itself so I suggest serving it with other fruit and cheese.

Snake Fruit Benefits

Snake fruit is from the palm family and has traditionally been used in Indonesia to treat diarrhea.  The fruit  has a good amount of vitamin C, some iron and a variety of flavonoids which are quite helpful in promoting a healthy immune system.

I am not sure snake fruit will be a regular on the table.  It doesn’t have the same sweet appeal as delicious lychees or rambutans.  However, it made a very interesting snack and reminded me that there is whole lot more food out there to taste.

Best Wishes

Until the next time,  and all the very best to my Puxi and Pudong friends, Eat Well Shanghai!  –  Jessica W.

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